Scott Koegler

Scott Koegler

Scott Koegler is Executive Editor for PMG360. He is a technology writer and editor with 20+ years experience delivering high value content to readers and publishers. 

Find his portfolio here and his personal bio here

Diversify Your Nonprofit's Income

Whether you run a small shop or a nonprofit, you often ask yourself how you can bring in more revenue. While nonprofits are not meant to make profits, technically, you still need to raise funds to support your mission and cover the costs of operations. Another question is whether there is anything else you can do to bring and increase revenue. The answer to this is that there are multiple diverse revenue streams you can use. Considering the challenge of getting all the necessary funds from one source and the risk of depending on a single revenue stream, you need to diversify your revenue streams to sustain challenges. Here are some revenue options you should think of for your nonprofit.


Don't Make These Mistakes with Your Nonprofit

Nonprofit organizations have for years proven highly beneficial to the communities they serve. They develop a mission based on challenges faced by organizations to address them and spend a lot of time, effort, money and energy working to solve the problems faced by the community. However, as you are building your nonprofit organization, there are various things to consider and think about. One of those things is how to attract members and volunteers. As a nonprofit leader, you are responsible for building a strong organization. Your goal is to inspire others to give and make decisions that result in a lasting impact on those who need it most. Therefore, here are some of the mistakes you should not make with your nonprofit.


These 5 Strategies Can Boost Your Nonprofit\'s Donations

Are you looking for ways to increase your nonprofit's donations? Do you want to find more sustainable and efficient fundraising strategies? If so, then this blog post is for you! We’ve rounded up the top five strategies that can help boost your nonprofit’s donations and fuel your mission. Read on to learn more!


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