Jennifer Flaten

Jennifer Flaten

Fundraising Auctions

auctionAuctions are great fundraising tools for non-profits, but they require an enormous amount of planning and organization. For years, many non-profits relied on a complicated system of notebooks, files, binders, or if they were lucky a spreadsheet or Microsoft Access program to keep track of all the auction information. Read more...

Fundraising Software Round Up

roundupFinding the perfect fundraising software, one that provides all the tools necessary to build strong donor relationships and stays within the organization’s budget, is the goal of every non-profit. Both small grass roots groups and large multi-chapter organizations want the same thing, a user- friendly, easy to install and maintain software package that gives them the flexibility to grow. Read more...

How Has Interactivity Made a Difference?

thumbs-up1Fostering strong relationships with donors is essential to the survival of a non-profit. For the longest time, non-profits relied on newsletters and other mailing to reach out to their donor base. Rising costs in both printing and mailing forced many non-profits to limit the number of mailings, which non-profits feared would damage their relationship with their constituents. So, they turned to email. Read more...

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