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Fundraising Software Round Up

roundupFinding the perfect fundraising software, one that provides all the tools necessary to build strong donor relationships and stays within the organization’s budget, is the goal of every non-profit. Both small grass roots groups and large multi-chapter organizations want the same thing, a user- friendly, easy to install and maintain software package that gives them the flexibility to grow.
Smaller Organizations

Often smaller organizations don’t have a separate IT department and need software that is ready to go right out of the box. Often they will turn to a package like Fundraiser Basic Software. It is a single database system that holds up to 50,0000 donors. It is multi-user capable, features comprehensive reports, and target mailing capabilities, all for about $200.

Other options for small non-profits include:

Araize FastFund Raising Nonprofit Fundraising Software offers integrated customizable modules and the ability to enter donors on the fly. Available for around $300, it offers a donor batch entry function, sortable fields and a large database.

Telosa Exceed! Basic Fundraising and Donor Management is a smaller version of Telosa's fundraising software. For around $500, it provides drill down reports, email address management capabilities and it can export data to QuickBooks.

FUND EZ Fundraising Software Version 10 is available for around $1,000. FUND EZ includes multiple modules for donor management, mail merge, donations/pledges and a variety of reports. Fund EZ is a Windows based client/server program, and setup requires configuring the network for the number of users. FUND EZ includes support and training resources.

For non-profits who would rather not worry about the installation and maintenance of a software package, Blackbaud offers eTapestry software a software as a service (SaaS) fundraising solution. Since it is SaaS, the data is accessible from anywhere via the internet. The only hardware required is a computer with a modern web browser. After connecting to the software's secure site, the non-profit can access donor, payments, contact management, and analysis modules.

Nathan Hand, Vice President of Development for School on Wheels recommends eTapestry for ‘non tech’ people because “it is very user friendly” and it includes “some great 'standard reports' for benchmarking, measuring progress, renewals, pledges owed, etc." Nathan also loves the customer support, which is available via instant message. He explains, “When you’re stuck, you can chat right away with support and get your answer in seconds!” Access to eTapestry is on a monthly subscription basis and the cost varies based on the number of users.

Telosa Software Exceed! Premier software includes all the standard donor management features plus the ability to collect credit card payments and track event RSVPs. It has customizable reports and offers remote access. It is multi-user capable and the price varies depending on which modules are installed.

Easy-Ware‘s Total Info Software is for organizations that require a multi user system. Total Info fits the bill for around $1,400. Total Info has a record wizard that makes data entry easy. It can track contributions, interface with QuickBooks, and it supports silent and live auctions. While it is easy to install on a stand-alone computer, it requires a bit of technical expertise to install a multi user system.

Larger Organizations

Along with having a larger budget, larger organizations often need software with more capabilities and the ability to handle multiple locations.

A program such as SofTrek Online Marketing Suite is web based, making it accessible from anywhere via the Internet. With a central database, all information entered automatically integrates with the donor management system. It supports a variety of online tools including modules for donor portal and online giving. Pricing varies depending on what modules are used and it is a subscription-based service.

Mission Research GiftWorks Premium Fundraising Software is about $500. It offers a user-friendly interface and supports multiple users. It has up to 50 custom fields and it can create targeted lists, mailings and reports. In addition, it’s capable of handling matching gifts, pledges and automated acknowledgements. It is important to note that GiftWorks is not a server based program, it is installed on individual computers. It supports both Windows and Mac (with appropriate windows app). The database file must be in a mutually accessible location on the peer-to-peer network.

Heritage Designs MatchMaker Enterprise Fundraising Software is geared the organization with a larger budget, and sells for about $3,000. It features automated recurring gifts and e-mail merge. It includes easy to use screens, 150 reports and a note system that enables non-profits to track contacts, and follow up with each donor.

FundRaiser Professional Software is another all-in-one donor and donations management system. It includes database management, email, word processing and reporting. Multiple modules streamline the process with the ability to show relationships, split gifts and it features several advanced reports. A mid priced program, around $3,500, it is easy to install and requires only a small amount of training.

Dynamic Data Concept Fundraiser 360 is a customizable program, which features tools such as memorial, event and donor management. A Windows based program, Fundraiser 360 features an interface similar to Microsoft Outlook. This software allows users to establish mailing rules, assign designated solicitors, and schedule reminders and appointments. It is available as a stand-alone or network program. While it runs about $3,500, Dynamic Data Concept’s installs it and it includes in house training.

Blackbaud’s The Raisers Edge i CRM, which Nathan of School on Wheels, not a Blackbaud customer, refers to as the “Cadillac of fundraising software“, offers an interactive database and multiple tools for reporting and donation management. It also supports multiple users and it can connect multiple offices via web access. The price of around $5,250 includes installation by Blackbaud staff and several different training options including classroom, regional, onsite, and instructor led distance learning.

No matter what size budge, there is a fundraising software package available to help the non-profit maintain a strong relationship with their donors.

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