Lorna Doone Brewer

Lorna Doone Brewer

Using Technology to Keep Up with Your Industry

hourglassThe causes that nonprofit professionals support are intriguing and ever-changing. It is imperative to keep up with what is going on in your particular niche. But figuring out how to do that can be daunting. Surfing the ‘net for related news can be time consuming and it’s easy to miss the most up-to-date information that affects your cause or organization. Read more...

Are You Spamming Your Supporters?

spamWe’ve looked before at how to reduce the amount of “spam” that makes its way into the inbox of the nonprofit professional. None of us wants to deal with unsolicited pleas, irrelevant updates, and uninteresting newsletters. Chances are, you already have them routed to a junk folder, or you simply click “delete” when you come across them in your inbox, but not before feeling a little irked at whomever sent them to you. Read more...

How Do Nonprofits Use Technology?

ITIf asked whether or not information technology (IT) is important to a nonprofit organization, it seems obvious that the majority would say, “yes.” A study done by the Johns Hopkins Nonprofit Listening Post Project last year delved deeper into the subject to find out just how important IT really is and why. The findings were interesting, and they may give you additional insight into how your nonprofit can and should be implementing IT in your day-to-day activities. Read more...

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