Lorna Doone Brewer

Lorna Doone Brewer

Protecting Your Information

The data that your nonprofit organization has stored on various hard drives is invaluable. You have donor names and addresses, you've logged volunteer hours, the last 12 issues of your organization's newsletter are sitting on the Development Associate's computer right now. Read more...

The Pros and Cons of Outsourcing for Your Nonprofit

With the ongoing need for nonprofit organizations to scrimp and save, new methods to do just that are constantly in demand. While the term outsourcing has both positive and negative connotations, it is something that many nonprofits might want to consider when it comes to protecting the bottom line. Read more...

Online Resources for Volunteer Matching

Finding volunteers is one of the most important aspects of what many nonprofit organizations do. That's not to say that volunteer recruitment should be an organization's mission statement or anything. Still, for so many nonprofits, progress relies heavily upon the ability to recruit, train, and retain qualified, enthusiastic volunteers. Read more...

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