Scott Koegler

Scott Koegler

Scott Koegler is Executive Editor for PMG360. He is a technology writer and editor with 20+ years experience delivering high value content to readers and publishers. 

Find his portfolio here and his personal bio here

Avoid These Issues that Defeat Your Nonprofit Efforts

Nonprofit organizations spend millions of dollars in marketing their activities and registering participants of various causes. For many years, events have served as the main way for nonprofits to drive their fundraising objectives, engage donors and spread awareness to potential and existing donors. Although most registrations have succeeded in the past, the truth is that a lot can go wrong during the process, and you cannot see it coming. Without understanding every possible problem, there is a possibility that you can create a negative experience for the attendees of your event. Furthermore, your costs can go higher than anticipated.


Is Your Nonprofit Following Any of These Practices?

As a nonprofit leader, you are obviously looking for creative ways to withstand competition in the ever-changing environment. Regardless of the size of your organization, you must, by all means, make use of resources at your disposal to increase the amount of funds you receive from donors. If you are looking for this, here are marketing ideas from successful nonprofits that can help your cause.


Nonprofits Market More Effectively With These Methods

Marketing a nonprofit is one of the hardest things. It requires not only zeal and commitment but advanced and brand awareness as well. This type of marketing allows you to communicate the value of your mission and enables your nonprofit to reach supporters. With the ever-changing marketing landscape, it is upon the marketers to stay on top of things and ensure that donors are always on top regardless of the shift. Despite the changes and complicated nature of marketing in the nonprofit sector, there are some best practices that can be used to amplify the message and reach your donors.


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