Scott Koegler

Scott Koegler

Scott Koegler is Executive Editor for PMG360. He is a technology writer and editor with 20+ years experience delivering high value content to readers and publishers. 

Find his portfolio here and his personal bio here

5 Fundraising Ideas to Plan for 2021

With 2020 coming to an end, planning for 2021 is now in the heads of many nonprofit leaders. But the uncertainty facing many industries might make fundraising seem impossible right now. However, with the right planning and mindset in place, you can turn the fortunes and make the best out of the coming year, despite the challenges that can spill over from this year. It all starts with planning a perfect fundraising event that will leave an unforgettable experience in the minds of the participants. Here are some fundraising event ideas that can help you plan for 2021.


Plan your 2021 Campaigns

This year has not been easy. The effects of the coronavirus pandemic have left almost every business struggling with little profits and with bills to pay. This has forced many organizations to enforce payroll cuts due to losses in revenue. Others have suspended operations, while some have closed completely as the virus continues to bite. As we head towards 2021, here are some things you should consider as you plan for a new year:


Plan Your Year-End Appeal with These Things in Mind

As a nonprofit leader, fall is always a busy time, especially if you intend to do a year-end appeal. While you can still plan how to get the most out of the year-end appeals in summer, early planning is always the key as it keeps you ahead of the pack. Fundraising can be done at any other time, but many nonprofits rely on the end-year appeal for most of their revenues. Here are some of the things you need to keep in mind while planning your year-end appeals:


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