
Easy-Ware Total Info Software

Easy-Ware Total Info Software (www.easy-ware.com) is a full featured application that is flexible and is designed for all types of non-profit organizations. This software is fully integrated for tracking constituents, contributions, contacts, communication, and calendar management. It has many built in features and tools which allow the system to be customizable for your specific needs.

CYMA NFP FUND Accounting Software

ImageCYMA NFP FUND Accounting Software (www.cyma.com) was specifically developed and designed for nonprofit accounting. It has the ability to help the user track funds and grants, and can generate FASB117 reports. This accounting software is designed to be able to see detailed grant, budget and financial information, all from a single screen. This is a complete accounting system combined with modules specifically designed to fit the accounting needs of a nonprofit organization. Read more...

Dynamic Data Concept's Fundraiser 360°

ImageDynamic Data Concept released the Fundraiser 360° (http://dynamicdataconcepts.com) software in May of 2008. It is an all-in-one system that helps streamline daily tasks and enables the non-profit organization to run sophisticated fundraising events. This software is designed to be customizable to fit any size nonprofit organization’s needs. Read more...

Red Earth Software Policy Patrol Enterprise Version 5

ImageRed Earth Software Policy Patrol Enterprise Version 5 (www.policypatrol.com) is a server based email filtering suite for Exchange Server and Lotus Domino. This all encompassing software has customizable spam and phishing protection, email archive functions, attachment compression and tools for adding email disclaimers and signatures. Policy Patrol can help a non-profit organization control and monitor email related issues. The software allows your organization to standardize email communications and gives you the ability to use email messages as promotional tools.

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