Jennifer Flaten

Jennifer Flaten

Live video streaming your event

livestreamAre you still on the fence about live streaming an event? How about if I told you that livestreaming video is the most popular form of video content on the web today. This is supported by research. Researchers studied social media users’ preferences and found that  people prefer watching videos to reading. Read more...


donatelyIf your organization is running a fundraising campaign and need to create a donation page for your website you can use Donately. With Donately you can have a donation page up and running with a few minutes.  The Donately pages are mobile responsive so they look great no matter what device your supporters are viewing them on. Read more...

SEO for Nonprofit Websites

kaleidico-754517-unsplashEven established nonprofits can fall for the ‘build it and they will come’ attitude about their website. However, you can’t change the world if you can’t be found. The world wide web is a big place and just because your organization has a website doesn’t automatically mean you’re easy to find when someone Googles you. Read more...

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