Jennifer Flaten

Jennifer Flaten


funraiseIf your organization has a website, but you don’t have the ability to collect donations directly from your page or you have a generic ‘donate now’ but that doesn’t represent your various fundraising campaigns don’t worry there is now a way to add that feature to your existing website.

Revisit Text-to-Give

Text-to-GiveIf your organization tried a Text-to-Give campaign years ago, and unhappy with the wait time to receive your funds never ran a text-to-give campaign again. Perhaps it is time to take another look at using text to give as part of your overall fundraising strategy. Read more...

Instagramming for Donations

instagram-icon 1057-2227As of April of 2017 Instagram has 700 million users. And, a majority of those users are extremely active, often checking the site several times a day. Plus, Instagram’s users are more likely to engage with posts. In fact, engagement on Instagram is better than on any other social network, including Facebook. The average Instagram engagement rate is 50 percent higher than Facebook or Twitter. Read more...

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