Jennifer Flaten

Jennifer Flaten


donordriveDonorDrive peer to peer fundraising software wants to help you give your donors options. IT offers multiple ways for your donors to pay. Donors that want to give one time can use a credit card or use a single touch for Apple Pay or Paypal. Donors can also choose to set up recurring payments. Make it even simpler for your givers with a suggested donation amount. Read more...

Giveffect offers a host of nonprofit solutions from giving systems to smart automation.

giveffectIf your organization needs a branded online giving pages, Giveffects Giving System will let you create one that lets your donors can make one time donations, set up monthly donations, or  payments on pledges and you can us Giveffects Giving System to track any offline donations your organization receives. Read more...

StratusLIVE for Fundraisers Suite

stratusliveStratusLIVE for Fundraisers Suite cloud-based fundraising and CRM solution what makes it different from other nonprofit donor management platforms is that StratusLIVE gives your organization control of your data. Read more...

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