Danielle Loughnane

Danielle Loughnane

Danielle Loughnane earned her B.F.A. in Creative Writing from Emerson College and has currently been working in the data science field since 2015. She is the author of a comic book entitled, “The Superhighs” and wrote a blog from 2011-2015 about working in the restaurant industry called, "Sir I Think You've Had Too Much.” In her spare time she likes reading graphic novels and snuggling with her dogs.

Review: Hivebrite

An online community platform, Hivebrite services the education, alumni & nonprofit sectors. Nonprofits benefit from a community platform since they rely on their volunteers and community to reach their constituents. Through content management, events, and data analytics - platforms like Hivebrite make it easier for charities to communicate with both their donors and volunteers.


Review: Blackthorn.io

Coming onto the scene in 2015, Blackthorn.io became a Salesforce partner in 2016. As a native app - Blackthorn’s technology sits on top of Salesforce creating a seamless, secure connection. Salesforce users who utilize any native app like Blackthorn can rely on real time and accurate reporting with no integration with Salesforce needed since native apps were created in Salesforce specifically for Salesforce users.


Review: Ticket Tailor

In person events have slowly made a comeback as organizations opt for in-person events versus the virtual events we’ve seen for the past few years due to the Covid-19 pandemic. As the number of events increase – nonprofit organizations need a way to sell, keep track-of and report on ticket sales. Ticket Tailor, an event ticketing platform enables businesses and charities to sell tickets to events, galas, auctions, and webinars through their website.


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