

Non-profit Secures Funding From For Profit Investor

Watsi, a non-profit that funds medical care for people in need, received 1.2 million dollars in seed funding from an unusual source, reports the Huffington Post. The funding came from the Silicon-Valley startup accelerator Y-Combinator, making Watsi one of the first non-profits to receive funding from Y-Combinator.


Making the Most of Videos on Instagram

The addition of video streaming to Instagram presents non-profits with another channel to engage their constituents, reports Miratel Inc. As with other forms of social media there are some best practices to keep in mind when posting a video on Instagram, including remembering to tell a story and to not over post.


Donors More Interested in Getting Texts from Charities

According to mGive, their annual text donation study finds that more donors are hearing about text donation campaigns via social media. In addition, the study shows that donors want to receive more information from non-profits via text.


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