

Creating an Engaging Youtube Channel

According to Non-profit Tech for Good, it is possible to have an lively, useful Youtube channel even if your non-profit doesn’t have a lot of videos. This is accomplished by curating videos that support your mission and program. Read more...

Facebook Founder Most Generous of 2013

According to Boston.com, Facebook found Mark Zuckerberg is the most generous American philanthropist for 2013. His donation of 18 million shares of Facebook stock, valued at $970,000 million, dollars was the largest donation for 2013. Read more...

Non-profit Software Company Uses Crowdfunding

Gemican, a Minneapolis startup that creates custom software for non-profits, is turning to crowdfunding to raise additional funds, reports Twin Cities Business. The company hopes to raise $75,000 via crowdfunding before seeking more traditional funding. Read more...

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