

Google Leader Gives to Non-profits

Despite saying he preferred to give his money to up and coming business, Google CEO Larry Page did make charitable contributions, reports the Chronicle of Philanthopy. In Febraury, he gave over $177 million worth of stock to non-profit organizations. Read more...

Know Your Audience Before Deciding on Website Design

According to WiredImpact, how well you know your audience dictates the success of your website. If you know your audience you will understand what content they want to see on your site. Read more...

New Giving Platform Wants to Increase Donation Effectiveness

Givelocity, a charity crowdfunding start-up, wants to increase the effectiveness of crowdfunding, reports UpStart. Givelocity lets users join communities. Each community is formed around a specific cause, and each month the members vote for how the funds are distributed. Read more...

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