

Utah Giving Campaign Is a Success

Utah’s online fundraising blitz -Love Utah Give Utah- raised a record breaking amount, reports The Salt Lake Tribune. When the campaign ended 12,423 individual donors had raised $1,085,982 for various nonprofits in Utah. Read more...

Big Data is Increasingly Important for Nonprofit Succes

According to BizTech, nonprofits can utilize big data just like for profit companies. While it does require that organizations have special talent to use the data, such as programming , visualization and statistics the information collected can be extremely valuable. Read more...

Nonprofit Data At Risk

As more nonprofits become the target of hackers it is important for nonprofits to increase their website security, reports The nonprofit Quarterly. Ransomware, where the hackers seize control of a website and demand payment to release it, is becoming more prevalent in the nonprofit sector. Read more...

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