

CodeMash Hits Eleventh Year

The CodeMash convention enters its eleventh year at Michigan’s Kalahari resort, reports the Norwalk Reflector. The nonprofit community driven event to help people continue their education around technology and web developers. Read more...

New Mexico's Aspen System Broken

New Mexico’s Automated System Program and Eligibility Network (ASPEN)  system designed to steam line the process of applying for aid has failed to live up to its promise, reports the Santa Fe New Mexican. The system, upon start up, summarily removed hundreds of eligible recipients and it routinely blocks people who should qualify from receiving aid. Read more...

YourCause Bought by Blackbaud

According to the Nonprofit Times, YourCause was acquired by Blackbaud for $157 million dollars. The corporate social responsibility and employee engagement software will still be offered as a stand alone product by Blackbaud. Read more...

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