

New Crowdfunding Campaign Aims for Clean Water

A new crowdfunding campaign launched by Mountain Safety Research (MSR)and several nonprofit partners will bring clean drinking water to low income communities. The goal is to raise enough funds to bring MSR’s  Community Chlorine Maker to 500,000 people a year for five years.   Read more...

Nonprofit Works to Improve Emergency Response

According to EMS World,  the nonprofit Trek Medics International wants to help improve emergency medical systems in communities that can’t afford advanced 911 technology. Trek Medics uses Beacon, a text message-based emergency dispatching service to coordinate response to medical emergencies. Read more...

Nonprofit Uses Tech to Teach About Alzheimers

The nonprofit Alzheimer’s Research UK has a new virtual reality simulator that lets people experience what a person with dementia goes through in the course of a day, reports the Washington Post. The goal is to raise money and awareness for the disease.

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