
Fundraising Software At A Crossroads

Standalone donor databases are on their way out, integrated Web-based services on their way in.

Fundraising is one of the most important things you do. Yet finding the right software to adequately support all aspects of your fundraising efforts can be a challenge—and bewildering—especially with recent developments in that particular technology niche.

Formerly dominated by large standalone donor databases, the fundraising software space has been undergoing a swift evolution in recent years. New integrated packages that provide a broader range of functionality are coming into their own. And customer relationship management (CRM) packages are gaining popularity due to their ability to provide a more holistic view of all the individuals who might be touched by the fundraising process—no matter how tangentially. Read more...

NOZA Online Database of Charitable Giving Awarded Model of Excellence

The NOZA searchable database now includes more than 26,000,000 individual, corporation and foundation grant donation records, making it the world's largest searchable database of charitable donations, today announced that its pioneering online service for nonprofit organizations is a winner of a 2007 “Model of Excellence” award from InfoCommerce Group. The NOZA database of charitable gifts includes more than 26 million records of U.S. individual, corporate and foundation grant donations. NOZA’s data is unique in the donor prospect research industry, allowing nonprofits to research donors by a known affinity to their mission and a history of charitable giving. Awardees will be showcased at the annual InfoCommerce conference, at the Park Hyatt, Philadelphia, September 24th through 26th. Read more...

Sage MIP Fund Accounting Shows Real-Time Program Costs

Sage Software has announced that youth organizations across North America continue to choose its Sage MIP Fund Accounting software for nonprofit financial management. Youth organizations, such as Boys and Girls Clubs of Tucson, Girl Scout Council of Southeastern Massachusetts, and Team-Up for Youth, count on Sage MIP Fund Accounting to track and report on multiple funds across multiple budget periods; plan and manage budgets; maximize grants; and quickly produce accurate customized reports. Read more...

Re-Think How You Live and Lead at New Conference

Business, Faith and Community Leaders Challenged to Re-Think How They Live and Lead at New Conference.

"This is not yesterday's world; this world is now-and now just changed." With this visionary proclamation, Church Communication Network (CCN) and Crystal Cathedral founding pastor Dr. Robert H. Schuller announced a groundbreaking conference, scheduled for January 17-19, 2008, at the Crystal Cathedral in Garden Grove, California. This conference will also be simulcast live via satellite to host sites in cities across North America. Read more...

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