
New Guide Helps Nonprofit Professionals Keep Resolutions

During the first three weeks of 2009, hundreds of nonprofit professionals participated in a resolutions poll or shared their resolutions for 2009 through Convio's website, online community and industry blogs. The poll answers along with other shared insight was used to create the first ever Nonprofit Resolutions Guide from Convio. The Guide is available for free at www.convio.com/resolve2009 Read more...

Nonprofits Embracing Convio Common Ground for Modern Database Needs

In first 90 days of availability, more than 30 leading charities opt for Common Ground's simplicity and flexibility to meet their constituent relationship and donor management needs. Read more...

Blackbauds Raisers Edge and eTapestry Win 2008 Campbell Awards

Charleston, S.C. (Date. 16, 2008) Blackbaud, Inc. (Nasdaq: BLKB), announced that two of its constituent relationship management (CRM) and fundraising solutions, The Raiser's Edge® and eTapestry®, have won top honors in a survey of U.S. nonprofit professionals. The solutions each received a User Satisfaction Award in the 2008 Donor and Member Management Solution Software Survey conducted by Campbell Rinker. Read more...

Steve MacLaughlin Elected to NTEN Board of Directors

Blackbaud, Inc. (Nasdaq: BLKB) has announced that Steve MacLaughlin, Blackbaud's director of Internet solutions, has been elected to the Nonprofit Technology Network(NTEN) board of directors. Read more...

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