A useful resource for learning how to meet a variety of needs comes through the Foundation Center. One of their key purposes is to help hook nonprofits up with funders. So, in a way, I guess that means that they're a nonprofit serving nonprofits that serve nonprofits, right?
Anyway, among the many tools that the Foundation Center offers is a fairly long list of links to various nonprofit resources that can be found on the web. I've found that most, if not all, of these resources actually relate specifically to technology, so those who are looking for assistance or guidance in growing their organizations' technological reach could definitely benefit by perusing the list and following a few links.
With so much information available on the Internet, it's easy to get lost while traveling from blog to blog and site to site. Likewise, it's difficult to know what sources are reputable. Because the Foundation Center has such a good name in the philanthropy, you can feel relatively confident that the sites they recommend are ones that are both valuable and trustworthy.
Of course, lists like this are just a place to start, and you may find that once you've jumped through the rabbit hole, it's a long way to the bottom. Remember to pace yourself and to divide your research into reasonable, "chunks" and categories. This can help keep you from getting too distracted during your online travels and never actually getting any real work done.