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Mobile Beacon Featured

The internet has become the one essential office tool that every organization needs. No matter what your mission or where you are located you need the internet. Even if it’s only to send and receive emails. However, a standard internet plan from your local carrier can cost your nonprofit a significant amount of money every month. If your organization is looking for ways to cut expenses, Mobile Beacon offers programs for nonprofits that allow them to access 4G LTE Internet service for a $10/mo.

Mobile Beacon’s internet service is provided on Sprint’s 4G LTE network. And, it is very important to note that this plan is for data only. Mobile Beacon is not a cell phone provider, they are a LTE data provider. You can run laptops, wi-fi enabled desktops, wireless printers and access the internet from a wi-fi enabled smartphone, that is all. 

The price offers significant savings over traditional carriers, but that savings does come with a catch. In order to qualify for the $10/mo plan your organization must purchase a LTE-enabled device from Mobile Beacon. 

Mobile Beacon has two wi-fi hotspot hubs available for purchase, each one offers connection for up to 10 wi-fi enabled devices. 

In addition, organizations that choose Mobile Beacon’s service must prepay for a year’s service for every device that they will connect to the mobile hotspot. Mobile Beacon has several programs available to help nonprofits that are on a very limited budget offset some of the cost of the plan. 

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