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Great Feats and OneCause

onecauseGreat Feats, now part of OneCause, is a social engagement platform that helps your organization use your social media channels to drive engagement and empowerment among your supporters.  

Instead of focusing on once yearly fundraising campaigns, use Great Feats to spur giving all throughout the year. Create contests, donation challenges or events such as a run/walk to encourage your supporters to be active with your organization.

Your supporters can organize virtual peer-to-peer fundraising events.

The Great Feats platform also lets your current supporters spread the word about your mission by bringing together all your participants, donors, photos, videos and social posts together under your hashtag.

Great Feats has several different tiers of pricing. The starter plan at $500/annually lets your organization raise up to raise up to $200,000 at 0%. After that it is 3.5%.  You also get branded sites and subdomains.

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