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bloomerangBloomerang donor management software helps your nonprofit manage and evaluate your donor information. The interactive dashboard lets you review your donor retention rate and gives you suggestions for improvement.

The dashboard also includes a way to view a timeline of your upcoming donations so your organization can stay on top of your current campaign.

Bloomerang lets you easily view your donors giving summary and helps you engage your donors. The individual donor record includes a visual representation of interactions of your organization with individual donors.

The software includes a way for you to create a variety of reports, so that you can run reports that give you the exact information you need for every situation.

You can harness the power of social media by connecting your organization’s Twitter account to the software. The software has the ability to match tweets to constituents in your database, or add new constituents who are tweeting about you.

Use Bloomerang to create emails and then you can use the analytics to find out if your emails are effective. You can also use the software to create mass mailings targeted to your donor base.

Pricing varies depending on how many donor records. Up to 1,000 records starts at $99.
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