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roundCause: non-profit CRM

roundcauseroundCause is Salesforces’s enterprise non-profit CRM. This package runs on the Salesforce platform, so it is 100% online and mobile enabled. It works with virtually any device. Therefore, your team can access it via any internet-connected computer, iOS, Android or Blackberry device. 

roundCause is a powerful application that includes all the tools needed to run a successful non-profit. While the main focus is CRM, there are additional built in tools that will help your organization with board engagement, corporate & foundation giving.

In this package social and mobile are not after thoughts. With roundCause CRM and social merge. You can view your constituents’ social media (Facebook, Twitter and Linkedin) profiles from the application. It also lets you respond to posts and communicate with your constituents from inside the CRM. 

roundCause includes an event management module that ensures your event runs smoothly. Use the mobile to track everything from event seating to vendor invoices. It also includes mobile check-in and logistics. 

roundCause works on any mobile device, it is smartphone, tablet and collaboration enabled, so no matter what technology your organization uses you can be assured that roundCause will work even if you make customizations. 

Need a report? roundCause has you covered. Standard for the package is more than 300 configurable, real-time reports, dashboards and visual analytics. Reports include moves management, planned giving, revenue and accounting, charge and bank processing and campaign planning, execution and results. The reports are fully customizable using roundCause’s report builder. You can publish reports on-demand. 

The analytics give real-time insight into your organization’s effort, outcomes and constituent engagement. If the standard reports don’t give you what you need you can use the Salesforce AppExchange to get additional reports. 

Tracking corporate and foundation giving is easy with roundCause it includes a corporate and foundation module that lets you do batch entry and upload, proposal management, giving summaries, grant management and matching gifts, among other things. 

Since roundCause utilizes the Salesforce platform it includes a marketing module that lets your non-profit create marketing strategies to suit any campaign. 

roundCause has customer service available 24/7 to help your organization with any questions or problems.
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