Until now, BiddingForGood has conducted only online auctions, but with the release of their new platform Smart Bidding, BiddingForGood can help non-profits with their on-site auctions. Smart Bidding lets non-profits replace the silent auction clipboards with mobile devices and get more from their silent auction.
Since silent auctions are often held during parties or bigger events, participation is often limited as guest attempt to bid between mingling and the main event, but with Smart Bidding, non-profits can extend the hours of the auction, open it up to many more people, and extend the silent auction from before the gala all the way through the event.
An auction with Smart Bidding will give guests at an event the ability to browse, bid and monitor their bids from their mobile phone. The non-profit can list the auction items with a URL or a QR code, so guest can bid in person or online.
Smart Bidding provides silent auctions with more features to encourage bidders to bid often and higher. Smart Bidding notifys bidders about high bids and it lets bidders bid by proxy.
If the guests don’t have a smart phone, that is no problem. Non-profits using the Smart Bidding platform can set up laptop stations at the auction to accommodate guests who don’t have smart phones.