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Why Pin: Pinterest for Non-Profits

Pinterest_PrimaryLogo_Red_RGBA new social media tool is generating a buzz in the non-profit community, Pinterest. Pinterest is a social network where users use a virtual bulletin board, just like a real bulletin board, to display things that inspire them.

Users can “pin” photos, recipes, and links, really anything they find interesting or inspiring. Followers can view the bulletin boards and make comments. Pintrrest is slowly gaining traction in the non-profit community. Both large and small non-profit groups have found ways to use Pinterest to showcase their organization and early adopters see it as a way for the non-profit to really share its personality, while still getting the mission statement across.

A key factor to Pinterest's popularity is its ease of use. It is very simple to “pin” the photos, links or inspiring quotes. While there is a bit of interaction with followers, as they can leave comments on the content, the depth of communication as what is found on Facebook. It also doesn’t require constant updating like Twitter, although that doesn’t mean the bulletin board should never be changed, but it doesn’t have to be hourly or daily. Many non-profits like Pinterest for sharing photos.

While other social media sites like Facebook allows users to post photos they aren’t the focus or even at the forefront of the account, with Pinterest photos can be used to tell a story. Of course, since Pinterest is so photo driven, it is really important for non-profits starting a Pinterest account take the time to create a Pinterest board that is visually appealing.

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