Jennifer Flaten

Jennifer Flaten

Managing Donor Data-5 Ways to Make Sure Your Data is Secure

Donors are the lifeblood of a non-profit, and keeping their information secure is critical to the success of the non-profits. And there are several ways to protect donor data. Read more...

Content Management Systems: What's Available and How They're Used

A non-profit's online presence is defined by its content. A content management system makes it possible for non-technical users to upload documents, video and data to a website, and do present those items to the website's visitors. Read more...

Managing List Growth

Email has evolved into the preferred method for reaching out to donors. It provides a cost effective way to present actionable items, but getting valid emails often presents a challenge to non-profits. Luckily, there are several strategies available to non-profits for growing their email list. Read more...

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