In Use
Once you become an EVENTjournal client your nonprofit organization receives a one year license to use the software. The company’s experienced staff handles all aspects of running the site for you, including setup, hosting and back end support. With this system you are getting more than just an online event journal you are also getting an online submission system, downloadable reports and secure registration and shopping cart.
Technology employed
This is a web based program that is accessed through the Internet. Any type of computer can be used; the only requirement is Internet Access.
Ease of use, configuration, and deployment
EVENTjournal is very user friendly and the layout and design makes it possible to quickly and easily navigate throughout the system. EVENTjournal trained staff work hand in hand with your nonprofit organization to configure and deploy the event website. The user provides the information and details for the event, and the staff takes it from there and creates and designs the event website to the client’s specifications.
The EVENTjournal is a green system that reduces the amount of paper used for ad books, registration and solicitations. It gives the event increased visibility and more exposure for journal advertisers and sponsors. This product reduces and streamlines staff workload and delivers a turnkey operation. The system provides full color journal ads with links to the sponsor’s website for an entire year. A DVD presentation of the event journal is also supplied that can be shown at the event. This system along with the EVENTjournal specialists creates and manages all aspects of a fundraising event.
The prices vary depending on the size and number of advertisements that will be included. The base price starts around $8,000 and includes the one year license for the event website.
- Paperless
- User friendly
- Innovative graphics and designs
- Professional customer support team
- The cost may vary depending on the size and specifics of the fundraising event.
My Opinion
I was very impressed with this application and with the company itself. This is the perfect solution for any size nonprofit organization to use for their fundraising events. Besides being a very effective paperless system; the system makes it possible to get the most out of any type of fundraising event. A major benefit of this system is the fact that event website is online for a year, which means you will get the most out of an occasion even after the event is over. I was amazed at the amount of features and capabilities this solution has. EVENTjournal has been in business for over eight years and the staff is very knowledgeable about all aspects of fundraising. I highly recommend this solution for any type of fundraising event.