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Review: HepData Featured

Many nonprofits lack the technical tools they need to utilize their donor engagement. There is software out there that can theoretically help them but often times they are too expensive or require an expert when charities mainly rely on volunteers. HepData was created to bridge that gap between data and nonprofit organizations – offering a technology that helps nonprofits utilize their donor management.

In Use:

HepData who was recently bought by SSB, a data management company - functions as a data centered tool for charities and nonprofits. Their three main solutions aim to help organizations match gifts, enrich their data and offer insight into past and present data. 

HepData integrates with numerous clients to bring donor matching to many nonprofit organizations.

Technology Used:

Clients can login to HepData’s eMatch Portal®. The eMatch Portal® acts as an all-in-one gift matching center that allows clients to track the matching gift process and export data to their CRM tool . The portal is accessible online so users can access it anywhere.

Ease of Use:

HepData helps to automate gift matching in an easy to use way. With a 90% retention rate and clients such as Red Cross and the American Heart Association it’s fair to say that users can easily access the platform.


HEPdata's eMatch® Portal Program helps identify donors whose company’s will match their donation. It is an automated process that will remind donors to match their gifts while allowing users to obtain analytics to manage their donations. HepData’s portal program integrates with some of the biggest CRM systems such as Blackbaud and Salesforce; fundraising tools such as GiveGab and event platforms such as Greater Giving.

Along with their eMatch Portal Program; HepData also allows clients to see statistics behind their donations. This data enables nonprofits to reach out to the right donor and track which benefactors are donating.


  • HepData allows nonprofits to analyze their data and keep track of who is donating
  • Integrates with over 70 platforms such as Salesforce, Blackbaud, and Ellucian.
  • eMatch Portal Program helps identify donors whose company matches their donations to double donations


  • It’s unclear whether or not the acquisition with SSB will benefit or hurt HepData
  • While they boast that they work with smaller organizations – the cost may be too expensive for those nonprofits who are just starting out

My Opinion

HepData is one of the leading platforms for donor management. Their portal’s userface is clean and their platform integrates with numerous CRMs. Matching donations are time consuming but research has shown that nonprofits’ donations grow substantially when they utilize gift matching. I like that HepData offers a solution that is completely automated which frees up time for nonprofits – allowing HepData to do the heavy lifting. If you’re thinking of utilizing gift matching and HepData integrates with your CRM I would consider taking a demo to find out if it’s right for.

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Danielle Loughnane

Danielle Loughnane earned her B.F.A. in Creative Writing from Emerson College and has currently been working in the data science field since 2015. She is the author of a comic book entitled, “The Superhighs” and wrote a blog from 2011-2015 about working in the restaurant industry called, "Sir I Think You've Had Too Much.” In her spare time she likes reading graphic novels and snuggling with her dogs.

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