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Review: 6ya

6ya6ya may not increase donor awareness or replace a CRM tool, but it has the ability to save a nonprofit organization money each year. Most software is geared towards helping charities and nonprofits function whether it’s a CRM that helps it do day-to-day activities or an analysis software that records and analyses new traffic to their website. Instead, 6ya works by assisting the charity with problems around the work place that threaten to eat at a nonprofit’s capital.  

In Use:
6ya boasts the ability to connect a consumer to “expert advice over the phone on everything you own, anytime you need it.” Still confused? Think Google, but instead of typing a question into a search bar and scrolling through nnumerous websites hoping to find the right answer, a caller makes one phone call and receives an answer to their problem in minutes.

Before a nonprofit pays a plumber upwards of $100 to assess a broken toilet, a staff member can use 6ya to connect to a plumber by video chat to assess and potentially diagnose the problem. Is the flapper valve malfunctioning? For less than $20 and a few Youtube videos later, a charity could potentially solve their problem for a fraction of the cost it would take to hire a plumber. 6ya employs experts in fields ranging from arts and crafts, computers, and carpentry so whatever a nonprofit needs are, chances are there is an expert that can help them. Calling an expert is free, therefore a nonprofit can call an additional expert if the first expert could not help them or they need assistance replacing a part.

Technology Used:
6ya is mainly a mobile app that can be used with either an Android or iPhone. It’s important that a caller has good reception and audio and visual capabilities on their phone to make it easier for the expert to evaluate the situation. It’s important that you are clear about what the problem is. Giving vague and general descriptions of a problem can often times lead to a mis-diagnosis.

Ease of Use:
6ya is as easy as opening an app, choosing which category best fits your problem and requesting a call.

There are many moving parts to ensure that a nonprofit runs smoothly. The nonprofit must fundraise to ensure they have adequate donations and means to track the organization’s progress. Like any business they have to ensure that they have a space to run the charity from- whether it’s renting an office, purchasing a house, or starting off in a personal office. Whichever real estate a nonprofit chooses problems are bound to occur in the form of broken toilets and electrical issues. With 6ya, when an issue arises, a charity can quickly video call an expert for help. Whether a nonprofit’s computer won’t turn on, their car won’t start, or the sink is clogged they can get support within minutes.

  • The initial call is free. Sometimes an expert may conclude that a part needs to be replaced or the appliance isn’t worth salvaging, but the call itself is free. A nonprofit may end up having to replace their computer or a purchase a new dishwasher – but often times they can easily fix the issue by replacing a part.

  • 6ya boasts that their experts are vetted but if an expert is unable to answer a question the caller can call back and speak to another expert free of charge.

  • Need to know which flowers grow best in the shade? 6ya can help. Have a question about why your phone is operating so slowly? 6ya can help. What’s the best chart in excel to show the fluxuation of donors year over year? I would say a bar chart but if you don’t want to take my word for it - 6ya can help.

  • Disadvantages:
  • Yaniv Bensadon, the founder and CEO of 6ya has stated that 6ya is only free for now, but soon it will be a pay-per-call service

  • Bensadon is behind another popular “fix-it” site called “FixYa” that has received many complaints of scams and false advertisement.  This app charges a fee for “premium questions”. Many users have felt that the experts they pay to fix their problems are not really experts at all causing them to believe the site is a scam.

  • Experts work when they are available so if you’re having a problem adding animation to a Powerpoint presentation at 3 am on Thanksgiving, there may not be an expert immediately available to help you.

  • My Opinion:
    While it’s not the standard nonprofit software I usually cover in this column I believe it can benefit nonprofits by offering a cost efficient alternative to every day problems. In most cases a problem toilet can be fixed easily if you have the right tools or a problem in excel can be solved if you know where to look.  I think this is beneficial software to all charities and they should take advantage of it while it’s free.

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    Danielle Loughnane

    Danielle Loughnane earned her B.F.A. in Creative Writing from Emerson College and has currently been working in the data science field since 2015. She is the author of a comic book entitled, “The Superhighs” and wrote a blog from 2011-2015 about working in the restaurant industry called, "Sir I Think You've Had Too Much.” In her spare time she likes reading graphic novels and snuggling with her dogs.

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