Jennifer Flaten

Jennifer Flaten

Screen Size Matters

screensizeTurns out for mobile devices, size does matter; screen size that is. And the difference in size can make a difference in how your content is viewed, used, and responded to.


A New Payment Processor in Town: Dwolla

Your organization has a great fundraising campaign, now all you need is an easy way for people to donate, a way that won’t cost your organization a ton of fees. Dwolla is a payment network that lets users send, request and accept money and it is affordable.  Read more...

Year End Roundup - Technologies That Have Impacted Nonprofits

Corporate-TechnologyTechnology continues to provide accessibility and connectivity for non-profit organizations. By using cloud-based services, non-profits could streamline their internal communications. For example, coordinating volunteers is a time consuming project, but the use Rotunda Volunteer Scheduling makes it infinitely easier. Read more...

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