Lorna Doone Brewer

Lorna Doone Brewer

Contest Ideas for Your Organization's Site or Blog

Consider running a fun contest on your organization's blog or web site to increase traffic, community, and buy-in from donors and volunteers.

We all know that having a web presence is important for a number of reasons. First of all, it gets the message out about the work your nonprofit is doing. Secondly, it creates another opportunities for donors to contribute to your cause. Perhaps even more importantly, certain types of web sites can help create a community feeling that helps keep donors, volunteers, and clients connected to the organization. Read more...

Nonprofits on YouTube

Nonprofits are always fighting to find innovative ways to get their message across. The Internet has done a lot to improve visibility simply by way of getting web sites in front of viewers. This convenience was taken a step further when online donations came into play. Organizations have the ability to put a “donate now” button right on their homepages. Read more...

What Can Social Media Do for Your Nonprofit Organization?

Is your nonprofit organization utilizing social media? If not, you could be missing out on a great method for communicating with clients, donors, and volunteers. Read more...

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