Lorna Doone Brewer

Lorna Doone Brewer

Your Nonprofit May Benefit from Using QR Codes

qrcodeNonprofit organizations are perpetually looking for ways to increase both awareness and funding. Of course, we advocate using the latest technology to do just that. There has been an explosion in the use of QR codes, and nonprofits can do themselves a favor by jumping on the bandwagon. Read more...

Using Cloud-Based Backup Solutions

cloudIt seems like everyone is talking about “The Cloud” these days, but if you don’t really know what that means, you shouldn’t feel too bad. Even IT professionals find they have a hard time really nailing just what it is. The good news is that you don’t have to fully understand it in order to use it for your nonprofit’s benefit. Read more...

PayPal for Nonprofits

paypal-logoThe advent of technology has meant so much to nonprofit organizations, and one area where it’s particularly helpful is in collecting donations. Being able to solicit and gather contributions directly through your web site or via text messaging has taken fundraising to a whole new level that we couldn’t have even imagined as little as 20 years ago. Read more...

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