Scott Koegler

Scott Koegler

Scott Koegler is Executive Editor for PMG360. He is a technology writer and editor with 20+ years experience delivering high value content to readers and publishers. 

Find his portfolio here and his personal bio here

Nonprofits can do better if they address these 4 issues as they attempt to leverage big data

Many people believe that nonprofits are technologically outdated. However, as a group,  nonprofits are shedding this stereotype as they adopt and use modern technologies such as big data, currently one of the leading buzzwords in businesses. Despite some nonprofits using big data, they miss some critical steps that can add value for them. Here are 4 things to review in your nonprofit’s efforts to leverage big data.


5 Challenges Faced by Nonprofits in 2019

Running a nonprofit organization can be extremely rewarding but can also be highly challenging. These issues are what many nonprofits go through today. Lack of adequate preparation for these issues may be catastrophic and can even lead to closure. From changes that take place in the environment such as changing regulations and tax code to increasing competition for both donors and volunteers, managing a nonprofit can prove hard for many. However, these challenges if managed and overcome can make a not-for-profit not only successful but also rewarding. Below are some of the challenges that you should know in your mission to achieve what you desire in operations:


Gender Pay Gap

The gender pay gap is real and it becomes even more pronounced as women move up the ladder in their careers. According to research, men get paid more for the same job as women in many organizations.


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