Scott Koegler

Scott Koegler

Scott Koegler is Executive Editor for PMG360. He is a technology writer and editor with 20+ years experience delivering high value content to readers and publishers. 

Find his portfolio here and his personal bio here

Raise Funds for Your Nonprofit by NOT Doing These Things

From the success and failures of nonprofits, it has become clear that successful fundraising is both an art and science. It requires a lot of hard work and dedication and the ability to read the changes in the environment for the right fundraising programs to be developed. While these are the most critical aspects that are needed for a nonprofit to survive, you have to know the dos and the don’ts if you are to survive the fast-changing nonprofit environment. However, the most crucial part is to identify the things that you should avoid for you to succeed.


Are You Addressing These Nonprofit Management Issues?

Nonprofit organizations are facing many challenges now than ever before. Some of the challenges that they encounter are associated with the changing nonprofit environment and regulations. However, the most notable issue involves failure to execute five areas of great importance properly. These areas are mission focus, succession planning, nonprofit board of governance, development, measurement of performance, and raising funds. These are the areas that successful nonprofits have mastered well, but those who fail, on the contrary, have failed to crack, leading to perennial issues in their organizations, that in the end bring them down.


Cryptocurrency Marks a New Path for Nonprofits

The digital revolution is making its way into nonprofits and is inspiring charitable giving. All this began in the past decade, that saw diverse giving channels and donation options that were guided by technology. According to a report by Blackbaud, online giving has increased from 6.4% of all giving back in 2013 to 8.5% in 2018. Among online giving methods that have been adopted widely by nonprofits are cryptocurrencies. Hundreds of millions of dollars in cryptocurrency have been donated to many nonprofits. This includes the notable ones such as Fidelity Charitable and Wild Life Fund, that received $100 million and $4 million in cryptocurrencies respectively.


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