
News (1513)

Doctors Fundraise to Buy Tech

According to the Calgary Herald, doctors are fundraising via Eventbrite to buy technology that will help Covid patients communicate with their families. 

In her residency at the Foothills Hospital, Dr. Kimberley Nix has seen how face-to-face interactions with patients and their families can be beneficial to their overall health.


Worldwide Technology Launches Fundraising Campaign

According to the St. Louis Post-Dispatch, World Wide Technology has launched a fundraising campaign for workers affected by Covid-19.

World Wide Technology launched a new fundraising campaign to support organizations working to help families affected by COVID-19 as well as those focused on developing a vaccine and treatment for the virus.


#GivingTuesdayNow Success

According to the Nonprofit Times, #GivingTuesdayNow was a huge success with people giving both money and time. 

Whether it was an effort to raise $20 million in North Texas or a gesture as simple as canvassing homebound neighbors to offer doing their yard work, #GivingTuesdayNow sparked activity in more than 145 countries amid the coronavirus pandemic.


Education Foundation Helps Teachers Get Certs

An Oklahoma education nonprofit is helping teachers get micro endorsements to enhance their digital teaching skills, reports the Journal. 

An education nonprofit in Oklahoma is working with an education technology company to provide teachers with alternative credentials taken online that can get them raises.


Nonprofit Helps Voters

Nonprofit VoteAmerica will help people vote by mail for upcoming US elections, reports TechCrunch.

With November looming, the scramble to protect the 2020 U.S. election from coronavirus chaos is on.


New Data: Online giving to nonprofits grew by 10% in 2019

Online giving to nonprofits returned to double-digit year-over-year growth and mobile traffic is more important than ever, according to the 14th annual M+R Benchmarks Study. The study was researched and created by M+R, a communications agency that works with nonprofits and foundations to advance their causes online, in the media, and on the ground. While the study looks at 2019, it offers a deep set of data to nonprofit leaders who are navigating unprecedented territory as they steer their organizations and movements through the COVID-19 crisis. 


Tech Soup Has New Fund to Help Nonproifts

According to Nonprofit Times, TechSoup has started a fund to help get nonprofits technology solutions. 

TechSoup, the nonprofit network facilitating distribution of technology solutions to civil society organizations globally, launched the COVID-19 Response Fund to help grassroots nonprofits make critical technology investments while continuing to serve the most vulnerable communities through the crisis and into the future.


Nonprofit Tech Students Make PPEs

A local group of nonprofit technology students is working on making PPE for local front like workers, Delaware News Radio.

"We're all working together as a community of home-schools and, now, schools and universities, to potentially service a gap that's under a lot of strain right now.".


Women Use Tech to Support Women

Female donors are comfortable using online donation platforms and they tend to support women’s causes, reports the Nonprofit Times. 

Women’s and girls’ causes receive substantially more online support from female donors. And, women are giving more gifts and a greater proportion of total donated dollars on technology platforms. Those are the three overarching themes emanating from a new report by the Women’s Philanthropy Institute (WPI), part of the Indiana University Lilly Family School of Philanthropy at IUPUI.


Crisis Management Tools to Fundraisers Managing Response to COVID-19

Gravyty, the market-defining provider of fundraiser enablement powered by artificial intelligence (AI), today announced new product capabilities that help nonprofit, higher education, and health care leaders continue to secure fundraising revenue during the challenging times caused by the COVID-19 crisis. This includes the immediate availability of Gravyty Crisis Management for frontline fundraisers managing donor relations during the COVID-19 crisis, along with the Gravyty Guarantee program to widely spread AI and transformative fundraising efficiency to social good organizations, especially in these difficult financial times. Version 3.0 also includes deep and radical technological enhancements to Gravyty's AI engine that redefine the relationship cycle between fundraisers and donors. 


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