Jennifer Flaten

Jennifer Flaten

Nonprofit software - Trends toward hosted/Saas based systems.

saasWhile software as a service or Saas isn’t new, its been around for several years, it is growing in popularity in the non-profit community for several reasons. Read more...

Mobile Giving Foundation: Helping Tsunami Survivors

In any disaster, time is of the essence, as the images of the devastation in Japan were spreading throughout the world, relief organizations were already swinging into action. Along with deploying workers to the affected areas, charities looked for an effective way to collect donations from donors worldwide. Read more...

Radio Days:BlogTalkRadio Gives Non Profits a Voice

blogtalkradioIs your organization looking for a new way to promote your cause? Why not host a radio program? After all, nothing is more compelling then hearing someone’s story first hand. But instead of trying to buy airtime from your local radio station, why not use the internet? Read more...

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