Jennifer Flaten

Jennifer Flaten


boardmaxNonprofit boards serve an important function, but getting all the members together with all the information they need can be a Herculean task. Meetings need to be scheduled and coordinated with members, agendas need to be distributed, not to mention all the other sundry items required by the board. Luckily, there is a way to make it easier.  


How Nonprofits Can Use Snapchat

snapshat logoSnapchat is building up some traction in the nonprofit community. If you are unfamiliar with it, Snapchat, launched in 2011, is a messaging app that allows users to share images and videos.  While it hasn’t been around for that long, it is popular. Currently, it has over 100 million users worldwide that share 400 million images every day. Read more...


spotfundMicro-donations, amounts ranging from $1 to $3 dollars, might be small (hence the name) but they can make a big impact on your organization. I am sure you are wondering why anyone would come to your website giving portal and give a $1. Truth is, they probably won’t, but if they found your story while browsing on their phone, they might be moved enough to give a quick $1 donation. After donating they might even share it with their friends. Read more...

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