Scott Koegler

Scott Koegler

Scott Koegler is Executive Editor for PMG360. He is a technology writer and editor with 20+ years experience delivering high value content to readers and publishers. 

Find his portfolio here and his personal bio here

Pandemic Fundraising Should Not be Devastating

If you run a nonprofit, it is no secret that 2020 has been the most challenging year than any other in history. Many leaders in the nonprofit sector are concerned about the adverse impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic on their fundraising efforts. Many have had to cancel their events while companies and individuals who would have potentially helped with the contribution have been rendered broke. Although it is overwhelming to run a nonprofit in 2020, especially for those who are in leadership positions, there are some few things you can do to reduce the challenges brought by the pandemic. Here are some things that top nonprofits are doing, and you should consider too when running a nonprofit in a current environment.


Boost Year-end Fundraising

The end of the year, which is the most important time for fundraising, is finally here, and it is about time you begin thinking of how you can make the most out of this season. Whether you have been trying hard to come up with strategies that will assure you success during this season or you are currently putting together a quick campaign to boost the amount of money you get, the goal is always the same- to get the best out of season and attract as many donors as possible, mainly the new ones and their donations before the year comes to an end. Here are a few ways you should adopt to boost your year-end fundraising and get more donors and donations to fund your cause.


Understand These Issues before Your Next Fundraising Event

Getting a fundraising event right can get you and your nonprofit a lot of money to fund a specific cause and build an excellent relationship with the donor. In contrast, a poor event can cost your nonprofit money and deny opportunities and donors who would be willing to give for a specific course. Here are some mistakes that many nonprofits make that you should avoid in your fundraising event.


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