Danielle Loughnane

Danielle Loughnane

Danielle Loughnane earned her B.F.A. in Creative Writing from Emerson College and has currently been working in the data science field since 2015. She is the author of a comic book entitled, “The Superhighs” and wrote a blog from 2011-2015 about working in the restaurant industry called, "Sir I Think You've Had Too Much.” In her spare time she likes reading graphic novels and snuggling with her dogs.

Review: Ujama

Nonprofit organizations rely heavily on annual events and galas for the bulk of their donations. Since the pandemic – many nonprofits have had to cancel or postpone their events. Others have opted to switch to virtual events – but that comes with its own set-backs and learning curves. Ujama, a predominately mobile app hopes that their application can change the way charities set up and carry out their annual events.


Review: Boardable

After numerous privacy and security concerns many nonprofit organizations had second thoughts about employing Zoom as their go-to video conference platform. But with Covid-19 showing no signs of letting up – charities couldn’t just eliminate their contract – they had to make sure they had another video-conferencing platform set up.


Review: Nonprofit Treasurer Review

Fundraising is only one factor needed to run a successful nonprofit. There are also bills to be paid and taxes that are due that go along in “keeping the lights on” at a nonprofit.  A nonprofit whether large or small  should invest in a bookkeeping software to make sure that all of their transactions are in order. Nonprofit Treasurer is a software geared towards small nonprofits that will help them balance their books and build financial reports to get an accurate picture of their finances.


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