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Discover How Nonprofits Can Benefit from AI

Discover How Nonprofits Can Benefit from AI KAL VISUALS

In an article from Forbes, Laura MacDonald explores the potential of artificial intelligence (AI) for nonprofit organizations. According to MacDonald, AI can be used to enhance operations, increase impact, and improve efficiency. However, ethical and responsible use of AI is essential to maintain the trust of donors, volunteers, and beneficiaries. Unite.ai reports that 89% of nonprofits agree that AI will improve efficiency, but only 28% say they use it.

AI can be a powerful tool for nonprofits, allowing them to increase their efficiency and reach more people. However, it is important to ensure that AI is used responsibly and ethically. Nonprofits should consider the needs of their communities and take the necessary steps to protect the trust of their donors, volunteers, and beneficiaries. Additionally, nonprofits should be aware of the potential risks of using AI, such as data privacy concerns, and take steps to mitigate those risks.


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