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Tech To The Rescue: Nonprofits Get Easier Grant Management with New Solutions

Tech To The Rescue: Nonprofits Get Easier Grant Management with New Solutions Kevin Schmid

In a recent discussion, the CFO of a mid-sized nonprofit revealed a common misconception: that transitioning from corporate to nonprofit roles would be easier. In reality, CFOs in nonprofits are often faced with the challenge of managing restricted grants, which come with strict requirements. These grants are donations given with specific conditions, such as earmarking funds for a particular purpose or limiting how the money can be spent. To make matters more difficult, nonprofits typically have six months or less of cash reserves. To help with this issue, new solutions are emerging that can simplify grant management for nonprofits.

Nonprofits are often in a precarious financial position, and the challenge of managing restricted grants can be daunting. Solutions that simplify grant management can be a great help, but it is important to remember that they may not be a perfect fit for every organization. It is important to carefully evaluate any new solutions to make sure they are the right fit for the nonprofit's needs. Additionally, nonprofits should consider other ways to increase cash reserves to ensure they have the financial resources they need to thrive.Read More

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