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Nonprofits Make a Rare Deal - Just Like Corporations Do

Nonprofits Make a Rare Deal - Just Like Corporations Do Cytonn Photography

The philanthropy research organization Candid and the Council on Foundations, the association of nearly 900 nonprofit members, have made a rare deal that would be commonplace for a corporation or a sports team. Candid will send control of its CF Insights website and the staff that gathered information about community foundations to the Council on Foundations. This shift will allow Candid to focus more sharply on priority areas – including diversity, transparency and effectiveness in the sector – while providing its CF Insights information a larger audience and the potential to expand.


This partnership between Candid and the Council on Foundations is an interesting development in the nonprofit sector. It is encouraging to see that Candid is taking steps to focus on priority areas such as diversity, transparency, and effectiveness. However, it is unclear whether this shift will truly lead to a larger audience and the potential to expand. It is important to monitor the progress of this partnership to ensure that it is beneficial to the nonprofit sector.

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