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How Can Nonprofits Reach Maximum IT Funding?

How Can Nonprofits Reach Maximum IT Funding? Tyler Nix

Three and a half years ago, funders and nonprofits alike found themselves struggling to adjust to the new normal of working from home. This experience has led to a realization among funders that their grantee partners must be facing even more difficulty in terms of IT. The Technology Association of Grantmakers (TAG) has recently issued a report outlining best practices for supporting grantees' IT needs. According to the report, funders should focus on the long-term sustainability of IT investments, as well as the need for grantees to have access to the latest technology. The report also emphasizes the importance of providing grantees with the necessary training and support to ensure their success. 


The report from the Technology Association of Grantmakers is a positive step in the right direction for nonprofits and funders. It is encouraging to see funders recognizing the importance of IT investments and the need to provide grantees with the necessary training and support. However, it is important to note that the report does not address the issue of funding for IT investments. It is essential that funders provide adequate resources to ensure that grantees have the necessary tools to succeed. Without sufficient funding, the best practices outlined in the report may not be achievable.

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