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Can Minnesota's Nonprofits Rebound from the Pandemic?

Can Minnesota's Nonprofits Rebound from the Pandemic? Martin Sanchez

Minnesota's nonprofits are facing an unprecedented challenge as the pandemic continues to ravage the economy. According to the StarTribune, many nonprofits are struggling to stay afloat as donations have declined and the need for services has increased. Nonprofits are having to make difficult decisions about how to manage their limited resources, while also trying to meet the needs of their communities. As the pandemic continues, it is unclear how nonprofits will be able to sustain themselves in the long-term.


The pandemic has put Minnesota's nonprofits in a difficult position. With donations down and the need for services up, these organizations are having to make tough decisions with limited resources. It is clear that the pandemic has had a devastating effect on the nonprofit sector, and it is essential that we find ways to support these organizations in order to ensure they can continue to provide vital services to our communities.

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