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New Resource Provides DIY Online Education for Nonprofits

Harnessing the power of the Internet, a nonprofit attorney is putting her 20 years of experience into online courses for nonprofit groups. Just released are three do it yourself guides to assist individuals to incorporate, draft bylaws and apply for federal tax exempt status for nonprofit organizations.

Many people ask me if they can draft and file an application for IRS tax exemption themselves, explained Sandra Englund, founder of Pfau Englund Nonprofit Law, P.C. and Nonprofitlaw.com Press. While its always best to hire an experienced attorney to assist you, I understand that some people may not have the resources to hire an attorney or otherwise simply prefer to draft the documents themselves. These courses are my way of putting my years of nonprofit experience into easily accessible online courses.

Ms. Englund noted that there often is an increase in the number of people thinking about starting nonprofits during a downturn in the economy. Perhaps it's because society's needs become more apparent, or someone loses a job and takes the opportunity to start a nonprofit that they have long thought about, Ms. Englund explained.

Currently three courses are online DIY Incorporation, DIY Bylaws, and DIY Federal Tax Exemption. The courses are accessible from www.nonprofitlaw.com by clicking on ONLINE COURSES. The courses include audio, video and written instructions along with complete documents to download and modify to meet the individual needs of the user.

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