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Spring Training Offered to AccuFund Clients

AccuFund, Inc. released its spring training sessions for AccuFund clients to be held in Las Vegas, Nevada, March 23-27, 2014.

Financial Report Writer, March 23-24, 2015
The Financial Report Writer class covers the essentials of financial reporting, including Statements of Financial Position and Activities, and includes introduction to the use of classifications for reporting.

Standard Report Writer, March 25-26, 2015
Standard Report Writer is used by all modules for transaction and summary reports, such as aging reports and vendor summaries, as well as to design all forms such as checks and Purchase Orders.

Advanced SRW, March 27, 2015
Advanced SRW covers topics such as sub reports and special functions used in payroll reporting. Prerequisite is the Standard Report Writer class.

AccuFund Clients can register for these Report Writer Spring Training Sessions at:

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