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‘Charity at Checkout’ Solution for Point-of-Sale Devices

Dejavoo Systems, a New York-based value added reseller (VAR), has selected DonateWiseNow® to be included in its next generation point-of sale devices.  The charity at checkout application, which enables consumers to make small donations to nonprofits while completing transactions with a credit or debit card, is now part of the packages Dejavoo offers its ISO and merchant clients.

 “Integrating our platform into Dejavoo’s new line of hardware allows any merchant to engage in charity at checkout without having to switch processors,” said Robert DiMattina, founder of DonateWiseNow.  “This processor agnostic model is one we’re excited to bring to Dejavoo and others in the industry who desire the impact of charitable fundraising at the point-of-sale but don’t want to make significant changes to their current setup.”

DiMattina cites a Cause Marketing Forum review of 63 of the largest charity at checkout campaigns that determined electronic point-of-sale fundraising generated nearly $360 million for nonprofits in 2012.  “That makes it the fastest-growing form of donor engagement.”

“Donate Wise Now is an easy to use method and a true added value feature empowering both ISO’s and merchant’s charities, increasing spending and loyalty to merchant stores and brands,”  said Mony Zenou, President & CEO of Dejavoo Systems.  “It was long overdue, but with all our  complimentary Dejavoo terminal features the timing couldn’t be better to release DWN with Dejavoo full fledged SW, specifically with our built in Rewards program that tracks consumers for the ISO’s merchants and now will also identify donors as well.”

Here’s how DonateWiseNow works:

· During checkout, customers are prompted to consider completing their transaction with a micro-donation ($1, $3, or $5, or they can round the transaction amount up the next dollar) to a nonprofit.  They can also choose not to participate.   

· Any donation that is made is processed electronically with the rest of the purchase, completely confidential, and done without interaction with the cashier.

· Donated money is transferred each day to the selected organization to help it better fulfill its mission.

The DonateWiseNow application is currently available through Dejavoo Systems.
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