Karen Corey

Karen Corey

Review - DoJiggy

softwarereview-150DoJiggy, Donations software (www.dojiggy.com) is a simple way to manage online donations and donor information. This application allows donors to make either one time donations or they can set up a user profile. This way recurring donors have easy access to their information and can donate whenever they prefer. This online application is easy to use and is customizable.


Roundup - Fund Accounting Applications

roundup1_thumbA nonprofit organization has challenges and specific needs that can be handled more efficiently with accounting software that is designed specifically for nonprofit organizations. This type of software will allow the organization to process business transactions plus track records by department, grants and funding source. Below you will find a list of some of the products on the market today that can help simplify the accounting needs of all types of nonprofit organizations.


HalTech Consulting Inc Helping Hands Software

HalTech Consulting’s Helping Hands Software (www.haltechinc.com ) is a complete constituent management and fundraising solution for any size of nonprofit organization. This software allows the user to track donations and donors plus a whole lot more. It has the capabilities to track vendors, deposits, events and contact information. Read more...

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